Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Savings: How To Start Living Frugal

Living frugal can be pretty overwhelming if you're just starting out.  There is so much info out there nowadays about living "the lifestyle", that it can get a bit confusing and seem like just too much work.   Or even worse, it may sound like you have to make such huge sacrifices that you think, I just can't do this.  When just starting out, you need to take baby steps.  I've been frugal for a long time.  I grew up in a single mother household, so having too much money  was something we never had to worry about.  My mom taught at early age the value of a dollar, and how to  make the most of every penny.  It's a life lesson I'm trying to pass on to my kids. 

When first starting out, the first thing you need to do is figure out why you want to be frugal.  Loss, of a job, kids to put through college, whatever your reasons, make a list.  I did this and whenever I'm tempted to buy something I really don't need, I pull it out and it helps put things in prospective for me.

Next think about your expenses, bills, grocery, entertainment, then look for cuts you can make. 

Entertainment was a big one for my family.  We downsized our cable package...did we really need 250channels??!! Not at all.  Our carrier offers Internet and phone combo with our cable.  By combining all three and downsizing our package, we saved $96.00 a month.

We canceled our online dvd rental service, and eliminated trips to blockbuster.  We utilized Redbox,  where you can rent dvds for $1.00.  Another great place to get dvd and vhs movies for free the library.  And speaking of the library, get yourself a library card and use it!  Bookclubs and magazine subscriptions are wonderfully convenient, however, they are very expensive.  Most libraries offer copies of most magazines to rent for free and if they don't have the book you want will be able to have it sent over from another library at no cost to you.  Eating out was another expensive convince.  In addition to not being the healthiest dinners in the world, they also cost twice as much as cooking at home. Even if you aren't the greatest cook, there are tons of books and websites that have simple recipes you can follow and you'll be saving lots of money too. 

Grocery shopping was another big money drain in my house.  Trips to the grocery store was full of impulse buys, especially when the little ones were along.  "Please Mommy, can I have the Princess gummies?"  for $3.59 a box for 6 little bags!!  Yet another area, where we made big changes.  Before our grocery store trips, I would go through the fridge and cabinets to see what we were out of or running low on.  I would make a list.  I would go through the store ad and see what was on sale.  Whatever it was dinner that week.  I would make note of items that we used weekly, large quantity of and if it was on sale, I would be double or even triple my purchase of it, depending on how good a sale it was.  It may cost a bit more on that weeks grocery total, but then I wouldn't have to buy it again for the next two or three shopping trips at regular price.   And use coupons!! Lots of stores have double coupon days or let you use coupons on items that are on sale.  Go for's like free money.   Just clip what you use, and  go through them weekly when you make your shopping list.  I keep mine in a coupon saver in my purse, because I was constantly running off without them.  Check back here on Monday for Make It Monday.  This weeks tutorial project will be a coupon organizer. 

Now, I know many who will chase bargains from store to store, I am not one of them.  With the high price of gas...the extra wear on our vehicle, it's just not worth it to me.  However, what doesn't work for me, may work for you.  If you think it would be in your best interest to hunt bargains here and there...go for it.  Get circulars from your area store and compare prices.

Leave your plastic at home.  I never take my card with me when I head out shopping.  Now, we don't have any credit cards.  My motto is if you don't have the cash to buy it...don't buy it.  So, I will get a ball park figure of how much I am going to spend at the store and get out enough cash to cover it.  As I shop, I keep track of what I'm spending, so I don't get to the check out and look like a dork because I don't have enough cash buy my groceries. 

If you do see something you really, really want...don't buy it!! Not yet anyway.  Sleep on it, think it over. Think about is the expense really worth it.  How much use are you going to get out of it?  Is it going to help your life?  Never buy impulse items on the spot.  Nine times out of ten, you'll buy it and it's going to wind up on the second shelf of the utility closet.

Around the house there are tons of things you can do to start your frugal journey.  I spent bunches on paper towels every week.  At least a roll a day.  My husband is the paper towel king.  He doesn't use A paper towel, he pulls three fourths of a roll to wipe his hands.  Not to mention sheet after sheet I used for cleaning.  Instead I took a trip to the dollar store and bought 4 packs of dish cloths, all in all 16 for $4.00.  I also would tear up any worn out towels or flannel items such as old sheets and pillow cases.  I used them for cleaning, hand wiping, cleaning up spills, saving approximately $7.00 a week.  Not much you say...that's $28.00 a month,  and $304.00 a year. 

Drying clothes outside is a saver on your monthly electric bill.  You don't need anything fancy.  Hand a rope line from tree to tree in your backyard. On a nice day they'll be dry in hours and oh...that beautiful outdoors smell.  Don't have a biggie.  You're talking to a former city girl here.   I remember my mom having one of those pull out kind that she strung in the house.  Let them dry overnight.  Hang them over chairs, in the bathroom, where ever you can find space.

OK, so are you getting it a little better?  It's all about changes...changes in thinking, changes in lifestyle.  These are just a few tips to get you started.  There truly is tons of information available on frugal living.  Start slow, read up, try to implement one frugal change a week, so that you and your family is not bombarded with too many changes at once. You can do this...I know you can!!

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