Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whatever Wednesday: The Giving Tree

As a child, books were a huge part of my life.  My mother was always an avid reader, and she passed that passion on to me by reading the wonderful stories she would find on our many trips to the local library.

One of the hundred things I love about books is how timeless they are.  TV shows and movies come and go, but books are truly forever.  It gives me such a joy to read books to my kids that my mom read to me over 30 years ago.

Last week, our area mall had a tribute to Cat in the Hat who turned 50.  Dr. Suess was always a big favorite of mine; Fox in Socks, Horton Hears a Hoo, Mr. Elligot's Pool, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and of course Green Eggs and Ham.  It just wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas at least twice.

Last weekend, our area mall had a tribute to Cat in the Hat day.  It was so much fun.  Local celebrities read book after to book to the children sitting in a semi circle around them and then afterwards, the kiddies had thier picture taken with the "real" Cat in the Hat.  I have a post in the work about this at a later time.

During our story hour, the reader, 36 newscaster Tom Kenny, read a story to the kids that all my years of reading and listening I had never come across. 

It was a story called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  It's a beautiful story that I think not only will your kids enjoy, but you will enjoy reading to them.   It's as story told throughout the life a little boy and an apple tree that he befriends.  The tree selflessly gives all it has to give to this boy who travels through manhood and eventually old age in the book.  The tree's only goal is to make the boy happy and gives of itself to do just that.  It's a story of unconditional love, friendship, giving, taking and no matter what you walk away with after you read this book, the story will stay with you. For me it was a good teaching tool for my children, teaching the value of friendship, the pitfalls of being selfish, the beauty of giving and sharing. 

Add this to your reading list.  You won't be disappointed.

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